Updated August 3, 2021

You can align resources on the CTE Curriculum Connection Open Repository to a course at your institution. When you align a resource to a course, you help others to find resources that are relevant to specific courses offered as specific institutions, and you increase the value of the resource for future users. 


Add a Course Alignment Tag 

  1. Log in to CTE Curriculum Connection Open Repository.

  2. Select the resource you would like to align to a course.

  3. In the Standards section of the snapshot view of the resource, select Add alignment.


  1. Select an Education Standard, and then select GradeLearning Domain, etc. from the menus. The next menu opens after you select from the menu above it.

  2. Check the box for as many Alignment Tags as appropriate. Here we have selected two tags. 

  3. Select Add to post your tag or tags to the resource.

  4. If you close the Add Alignment tool before you select Add, the tool will remember where you were when you select Add Alignment again. 


  1. View your Alignment tag on the snapshot page

  2. Add as many alignment tags as desired to the resource. If you add more than one, use the left/right arrows to page through the alignment tags.